Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Painting Triage And More


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Detail of 30” x 24” x 1/2” acrylic painting by John R. Redmond


Hi Cousins All Far And Wide,

Hope you are well.

I took some snaps of the paintings I am still working on and I’m sharing them with you.

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The above detail shot is an image of one of the three paintings I have worked on this past week.  Yesterday I posted photos of one that is completed.  I am still enjoying my discovery that the photos in the album can be viewed as a full screen slide show.  If you have not viewed yesterday’s posting go back to it and view the surreal images as a slide show. It’s very cool.


Click on any image to view it enlarged. If you would like to view my paintings check out previous blog entries and/or scroll down to Froggy at the bottom of the page. Click on Froggy and hop to my online store with links to eBay. I'm also on Etsy. Search for seller johnredmond (no spaces). You can find me on Facebook, Myspace and, "tweeet twweet," Twitter (Redjar7).


I do not think that my first postings on this blog had the capacity for a slide show.  Recently I switched to Windows Live for creating and posting the blog.  I has a little more capacity than the basic Blogger software. 


Sept 29 09 003 edit

Uncompleted 30” x 24” x 1/2” acrylic painting by John R. Redmond


Above is a shot of the painting, still in process, as it rests on the floor of my urban cave.  This morning I was applying a little more Payne's grey to the tree line on the right side of the painting.  The plastic spray bottle sits on the canvas as a weight.  It was helping me control the flow of the paint I applied.

Here is an instant photo view of a portion of this painting which I am still working on.  Most of the work is done.  I am putting a few touches to the deep blue tree line as noted above.


I consider this painting the calm one in the series.

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The following picture

contains images of

artistic mud pie.  Viewer

discretion is advised.



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The above  painting on the left is still on life support but there are glimmers of hope.  It is still considered in serious but stable condition.  An updated photo is not available at the request of next of kin.



John Redmond

Ottawa, Canada









John Redmond Art

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