Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Kiss Me I’m Irish

DSCN2467edit crop2 Today I photographed some paintings.  I’m going to share two with you in this posting.  These are two of the paintings I finished in the past few days.  Previously I posted some in process photos of these ones.  The blog posting was titled “Loco Motion Makes For Good Art” and was dated September 4, 2009

I had fun today listening to some tunes performed by Gaelic Storm. I have posted three videos I found on Youtube.  Perhaps you can listen to a tune while you view the paintings.


Kiss Me I'm Irish

These two new paintings have a Fall season feeling about them. Each is 24” x 20” x 1/2”

Click on any image to view it enlarged. If you would like to view my paintings check out previous blog entries or scroll down to Froggy at the bottom of the page. Click on Froggy and hop to my online store with links to EBay. I'm also on Etsy. Search for seller johnredmond (no spaces). You can find me on Facebook, Myspace and, "tweeet twweet," Twitter (Redjar7).

24 x 20 DSCN2758

24” x 20” x 1/2” abstract landscape painting in acrylic on canvas  by John R. Redmond

Here are detail shots;

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I hope that you will find these two paintings as juicy as I do. Juicy was the description my neighbour gave to this one below when he saw me with it in our apartment hallway.  At the time I was returning from my photography session.


24 x 20 DSCN2749

24” x 20” x 1/2” abstract landscape painting in acrylic on canvas  by John R. Redmond


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detail crop2 DSCN2753 

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Here is a portion of the lyrics of a song I wrote while reflecting upon what our many Irish ancestors may have felt when they left Eire.  It was a six to eight week journey across the Atlantic Ocean.  They were leaving a home and extended family in Ireland, never to return.  I suspect there were many mixed feelings. There was hope for a better conditions and opportunity.  But Ireland was home and there must have been a few tears shed.

(. . .Still more tune videos below folks . . .’The One’ is humorous.)


Irish Eyes Dreaming by john russell redmond

It was a long time ago

They sailed away from a home

Wind and wave carried them away

To a new land

From her Irish eyes

The tears rolled slowly down

As they watched the eastern horizon

And the land of birth slipped below the ocean . . .

Was it a dream of the pain or the hope

Was it a dream of the pain or the hope

Was it a dream of the pain or the hope

That streamed from her Irish eyes?


The One


I Miss My Home



ciao again,

from a wee, sleekit, cowrin, tim'rous beastie

in a li’l backwoods Celtic corner of the Milky Way,

John Redmond

Ottawa, Canada

John Redmond Art

1 comment:

  1. Oooooh! Love the colours and flowing lines in these "autumnal" paintings. Fall inspiration is so delicious and rich...happy creating!
