40” x 32” x 1/2” acrylic painting by John R Redmond
Hi Every Olympic Hockey Fan and You 2,
It was getting to feel like the dark dead of winter a couple weeks ago so I bought a couple larger canvases and decided to paint the antidote for February Cabin Fever Daze . . . warm colourful summer !
Detail 40” x 32” x 1/2” acrylic painting by John R Redmond
I used ample amounts of magenta to achieve the warm radiance in this painting. It has green and blue Payne's but the overall feeling is certainly warm.
The magenta red was applied first on a large area because I really wanted it to be dominant. I then added a little of this and a little of that. When I noticed how delicate the very bottom turned out at the first application of paint I decided to let it remain. It looked too lovely. The rest would be a counterpoint to that delicate colour. I do enjoy the double line I crated during the under coat stage. I intended that to contain the Payne's blue when it would be applied. Some Payne's was added to the top area to put that in balance with the lower area and I added some gold too. There is an area at the top left corner where some of the lines created by undercoating and my initial application of colour turn back toward the center of the painting. There I added a little more Payne's and gold to help that happen. The eye travels left to right along the upper diagonal but it is turned back toward the center by some curved and vertical lines at the far right top created by texture and colour. I am happy with the result. It warms my winter daze. (p.s. these paintings are 4sale)
detail 40” x 32” x 1/2” acrylic painting by John R Redmond
Click on any image to view it enlarged.
If you would like to view my paintings check out previous blog entries and/or scroll down to Froggy at the bottom of the page. Click on Froggy and hop to my online store with links to eBay.
I'm also on Etsy. Search for seller johnredmond (no spaces) or use the painting images on the right side of this blog page to zoom there instantly.
You can find me on Facebook where I have an album of paintings to view, MySpace and, "tweeet twweet," Twitter (Redjar7)
And here below is in part why I painted this series which includes the painting posted in the previous blog entry.
We have had a relatively benign winter with little snow in Ottawa. Thanks to the Ocean currents and all that Nina stuff the snow storms are hitting Washington.
Sorry Senor Obama but your White House was meant to take on new meaning this term.
Parliament Hill, Ottawa, Canada; This is the eternal flame and Peace Tower and Parliament on the snowy evening of February 25, 2010
It is snowing. It is a nice wet, windy winter evening.
Parliament Hill, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, Thursday February 25, 2010.
A contented couple in the evening on Wellington St., Ottawa, Canada
Detail of 40” x 32” x 1/2” acrylic painting by John R Redmond
40” x 32” x 1/2” acrylic painting by John R Redmond
Above; details of 40” x 32” x 1/2” acrylic painting by John R Redmond
And here are some lines from a song I wrote once on a dark winter day.
Springtime shall heal our weary hearts
There is nothing that the Spring shall not heal
When the purple hued crocuses rise through white crystal snow
Our weary hearts shall be healed
When the newness-green leaves of grass are spread all around
Our weary hearts shall be healed
Our love is the sunshine that warms the world-weary face
Once more return to the bubbling laughter of the Wild Spring
John Redmond
Ottawa, Canada
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